Springfield Cricket Club News story

Club Update

12 May 2020

Hi all, firstly we hope that you are all OK and coping well out there and your families remain healthy. With the weather perhaps reminding us even more that we should all be out there playing we have to remain positive and keep our heads up. The recent government news is, if nothing else, at least hinting of better times to come.

We as a committee have also be closely following the announcements from the ECB, Essex and the various leagues around when and what we can start planning for. At this current time the ECB have advised that no cricket of any kind can be played yet that includes club training sessions so we have sadly to remain closed for now. 

On more positive notes that does mean that we have been able to really crack on with the rebuild to the gents, and now the ladies, facilities. The gents is very close to completion and looks fabulous! A massive thanks to all that have helped get this done in trying circumstances. I will add some pictures of the work to the special Hardballs edition we are planning, of which more later.

The break from cricket is also doing great work repairing the outfields at The Corra, which after a very heavy wet late season with the egg chasers looked like a battlefield, and then immediately followed by almost drought like conditions until recently. Russell the groundsman has been working hard seeding and watering and its now staring to show some progress. The squares themselves will also benefit from no play and hopefully give the bowlers some help when we get back playing. Mazza for one should be very pleased.

We are now putting together a special edition of the clubs newsletter, Hardballs. They idea is for us all to stay in touch while the club is closed, keep you all updated with work going on behind the scenes and hopefully add some gossip or stories of new or old to keep the SCC family smiling. We want to reach out to all our members young and old with uplifting stories, pictures, kids artworks, special acts etc that you have seen or done, something positive for all to share.

So if you want to contribute yourself or on behalf of your youngsters then please forward anything you have (no videos) to Paul at: paul-durrant1@sky.com within the next 2 weeks.

Finally, keep an eye out for more announcements soon and please remember to stay safe and healthy. As before should you need help for anything then contact us by mail or via the clubs social media options

Thanks SCC Committee